Artist Development
Young Concert Artists launches the careers and provides crucial support to extraordinary young artists. In addition to debuting on the YCA series in New York City and in Washington, DC, YCA artists receive:
• Performance Opportunities: Artists will tour the US and abroad, performing recitals, concerti, and chamber concerts, and more.
• Educational Residency Experience: Artists will participate in workshops and receive guidance to provide them with the tools to better share their artistry with communities of all ages. Educational residency opportunities include, but are not limited to: masterclasses, performance talks, and coaching sessions.
• Professional Development Services: Artists have the opportunity to meet and speak with industry professionals in topics such as networking, contract negotiation, public speaking, social media, technology, branding, current events, and more.
• Alumni Mentorship: YCA’s alumni share their experiences with current YCA artists offering their unique perspective and guidance in career development for performances on stage and in roles of artistic leadership. Forums are provided so that alumni and current artists may come together often to discuss ideas and collaborate professionally.
• Promotional and Marketing Services: Artists receive professional photographs and work with YCA partners and staff in creating, promoting, and proliferating their artistic vision and brand.
• Travel Arrangements: YCA makes all travel arrangements associated with all artists’ professional activities.
• Financial Advice and Guidance: Artists work with YCA staff and are connected with finance professionals to discuss and navigate financial planning, fiscal responsibility, the fundamentals of entrepreneurship, US and foreign tax questions, and visa processes and issues.